Results of surgical treatment in patients with bilateral destructive pulmonary tuberculosis
destructive tuberculosis, simultaneous bilateral lung resection, videomonitoringAbstract
Objective: to improve surgical treatment efficiency in patients with limited bilateral destructive pulmonary tuberculosis.
Materials and methods. The outcomes of 80 simultaneous bilateral lung resections in patients with limited destructive tuberculosis were evaluated depending upon the types of surgical access which were as follows: video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) resection (28 patients), transsternal access (25), and routine thoracotomy (27 cases).
Results and conclusions. When performing simultaneous bilateral VATS resection, intraoperative blood loss decreased by 1.8 times as compared with the routine thoracotomy and 1.5 times as compared with the sternotomy. The risk of postoperative complications after VATS resection decreased by 1.6 times. The use of bilateral VATS resection may significantly reduce the surgical injury in comparison with traditional approaches, better visualise resection area due to the optical magnification and perform a more radical resection of a tuberculous lesion with meticulous haemo- and aerostasis, reduce lung tissue deformation.
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