Our experience of treatment a newborn with ichthyosiform erythroderma


  • O. M. Kovalenko Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. V. Smirny City Hospital No.3, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • T. A. Kylivnik Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, Mykolaiv, Ukraine, Ukraine




ichthyosiform erythroderma, bullous ichthyosiform erythroderma, wound coverings


Introduction. Severe forms of ichthyosis often occur in the practice of intensive neonatology, among all genodermatosis: fetus ichthyosis (lamellar ichthyosis) and ichthyosiform bullous erytroderma (Broca).
Objective. To improve the treatment outcomes in patients with congenital ihtiotises using burn technology.
Material and methods. The analysis of treatment outcomes in 5 newborns with severe bullous ichthyosis erythroderma and lamellar ichthyosis in Mykolaiv Regional Children’s Hospital during 2009-2017 was carried out. In local treatment of diffused cutaneous lesions combustiologists were engaged, who offered approaches as in the treatment of superficial dermal burns with mesh and film wound coatings.
Results. The treatment modality in children with ichthyosoform erythroderma included: infusion therapy at rate of 100-110 ml/kg/day; systemic antibiotic therapy; hormone therapy; probe enteral nutrition; passive non-specific immunization; respiratory support. Local treatment: daily replacement of the bandage under the intravenous combined anesthesia with the use of film and paraffinized mesh wound coats. The wounds were covered with thermosaving bandages.
Conclusions. 1. The use of modern wound dressing for local treatment, systemic antibiotic therapy against the background of general intensive care methods allowed to avoid the development of infectious complications and optimize the course of the wound process. 2. Implementation of the medical treatment plan for patients with ichthyosis allowed to create a database of patients, to improve medical care, involving the specialists of treatment of wounds – combustiologists – for the treatment of these children.


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Original articles. Neonatal surgery