Evolution of hemangiom’s treatment strategy in children and the contribution of domestic scientists
hemangioma, children, treatmentAbstract
The aim of the work. To analyze the evolution of the hemangioma therapeutic strategy in children and to represent the contribution of domestic scientists in solving this complex problem.The analysis of informational messages and the results of treatment of the hamangiomas of different localizations that were treated on the basis of inpatient and outpatient departments. Results of treatment of children of different age groups and different treatment methods are compared: children from the period of newborn up to 17 years; methods of treatment – pharmacological therapy: corticosteroids, recombined interferon, cytostatics (systemically and locally) and B-blockers; local methods – compression therapy, embolization of the vascular vessels, radiotherapy, laser destruction, sclerosing therapy, electrocoagulation, cryosurgery, as well as surgical removal of hemangiomas. Meanwhile, surgical removal of extensive cavernous hemangiomas is not always possible given the size and location, the consequences of surgery (deformities and keloid scars), which allows the use of combined techniques. The priority in the treatment of vascular malformations of the skin and subcutaneous adipose tissue belongs to conservative methods (pharmacological and local). Surgical removal of tumors (hemangiomas) have a large percentage in the structure of surgical interventions. It is advisable to use combined techniques for large cavernous hemangiomas and in critical locations.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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