Surgical treatment of the small intestine atresia under conditions of different postoperative follow-up


  • O. Bodnar Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine
  • L. Vatamanesku Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine
  • B. Bodnar Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine
  • M. Khoma Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine
  • R. Randiuk Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University», Ukraine
  • P. Charlorin Pediatric Surgery Department, Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital NPH, Haiti
  • O. Louima Pediatric Surgery Department, Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital NPH, Haiti
  • G.S. Pierre Pediatric Surgery Department, Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital NPH, Haiti
  • R. Peigne Pediatric Surgery Department, Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital NPH, Haiti
  • A.G. Maria 3UOC Pediatric Surgery «Santo Spirito» Hospital, Italy



small intestine atresia, surgical treatment, children


Introduction. Small intestine atresia is one of the most common causes of low bowel obstruction in newborns. Mortality in this pathology ranges from 5 to 60%, depending on the country. Modern views about surgical correction are rather contradictory.

Purpose. To analyze the surgical treatment of small intestine atresia in the surgical department of the City Children’s Hospital No. 1 ССH) (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) and the surgical department Saint Damien Pediatric Hospital NPH (SDH) (Port-o-Prence, Haiti). To determine the best methods of surgery.

Materials and methods. The surgical treatment of 15 children under the conditions of SDH (Haiti) and 12 children under conditions of the city children’s clinical hospital (CCH, Chernivtsi) with atresia of the small intestine was analyzed. Determined the effectiveness of closed (oblique «end-to-end» anastomosis, taping with «end-to-end» anastomosis, Denis-Brown and Louw anastomoses), discharging (U- and T-shaped, taping with anostomosing and suspended proximal enterostoma), anastomoses and stomas (end, double, according to Mikulich). Mortality with limited parenteral nutrition was 40% (SDH), with the presence of parenteral nutrition – 33.33% (ССH, Chernivtsi).

Results. According to the analyzed data, we believe that the use of the method of surgical treatment should correspond to the type of atresia, the distance of the blind proximal end from the Treitz ligament, the difference in the diameters of the adducting and abducting sections, the possibility of parenteral nutrition, and the threat of short bowel syndrome (SCS).

Conclusions. Y-shaped discharging anastomosis «side-to-side» with the removal of the proximal area in the form of a stoma, can be the method of choice in case of significant difference between the intestinal diameters. It provides a wide area of the small bowel junction, chyme abduction until the fistula heals, and can be used for different types of small bowel atresia.

The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Helsinki Declaration. The study protocol was approved by the Local Ethics Committee of participating institution.



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Original articles. Neonatal surgery