Surgical treatment of complete tubular doubling of the colon associated with congenital anorectal malformation - rectovestibular fistula and anomalies of the urogenital system
doubling of the colon, congenital anorectal malformation, rectovestibular fistula, anomaly of the genitourinary system, surgical treatment, childrenAbstract
Doubling of the colon is a rare, complex congenital anomaly, both in terms of diagnosis and in the choice of treatment tactics. Patients with this pathology need a thorough comprehensive examination to determine the type of doubling (cystic, diverticular or tubular) and to diagnose possible associated malformations, in particular, the genitourinary system.
Anorectal duplications in most cases are tubular doublings that end in distal fistula / fistula on the perineum, or in the genitourinary system. Surgical treatment of this malformation requires a differentiated approach for each patient. Until now, various methods of surgical correction of this defect are used: dissection of the common wall, resection of only the duplicate section, resection of both parts of the double colon, mucosectomy of the duplicate intestine. Their main task is to maximize the anatomical integrity of the colon, with adequate blood supply. In the postoperative period, patients definitely need constant monitoring and rehabilitation treatment.
Purpose - to analyze the methods of correction of this defect and evaluate their effectiveness; to present a case of our own staged surgical treatment of complete tubal doubling of the TC associated with congenital anorectal malformation - rectovestibular fistula and anomalies of the genitourinary system.
Our proposed phased surgical treatment of complete tubular doubling of the colon, with rectovestibular fistula, allowed to normalize of the motor-evacuatory function of the formed main intestine and the retaining function of the anal sphincter apparatus with good functional results.
The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent from the child’s parents was obtained for the research.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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