Omphalocele - regarding management and treatment tactics
omphalocele, treatment methods, clinical cases, childrenAbstract
An omphalocele is an abdominal defect covered by a membranous sac consisting of three layers: peritoneum, jelly of the ventricle and amnion as the outer layer. The vessels of the umbilical cord flow into the top of the pouch, which usually contains the herniated abdominal contents: intestines, liver, spleen, bladder and/or gonads. The pouch covers and protects the herniated organs from harmful external influences.
Purpose - to improve care for patients with omphalocele, improve their life quality by updating treatment standards using the experience of other countries around the world.
A literature review is provided and personal experience is highlighted - 2 clinical cases with a diagnosis of omphalocele. Both underwent operative treatment. All children recovered and were discharged from the clinic.
Depending on the clinical manifestations, the size of the defect and the content of the hernia sac, the term and tactics of treatment differ.
Conclusions. The discussion about the tactics of omphalocele treatment depending on the size is still relevant. Clinical recommendations for the management of omphalocele remain only recommendations, and in each individual case, the decision regarding the terms and methods of treatment remains with the surgeon. It is necessary to remember the possibility of entrapment, which forces the surgeon to perform urgent surgical intervention.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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