Morphofunctional characteristics of the wound process during the treatment of purulous-necrotic wounds in rats with modern antiseptic means and collagenase
purulent wound, wound process, collagenase, morphological changes, granulation tissue, blood vessels, leukocytesAbstract
Infected and purulent wounds remain both a medical and economic challenge for the healthcare system today. Scientific and practical interest leads to the use of collagenase enzyme in wound care products.
Aim: to study and evaluate morphological changes in the wound process during the treatment of purulent-necrotic wounds in rats with drugs based on modern antiseptics and collagenase.
Materials and methods. The object of study: purulent-necrotic wounds. The experimental study was performed on 64 white laboratory rats. The simulated wound was contaminated with a pathogenic strain of S. aureus in combination with P. aeruginosa. Rats were divided into 4 groups of 16 animals each: I - control group (without treatment); II - collagenase-based gel with myramistin was used to treat the wound; III - ointment based on chloramphenicol and methyluracil; IV - myramistin-based ointment. 2 days after the start of the experiment, the drug and an aseptic gauze bandage were applied to the wound surface of animals of the II, III and IV groups, in the control group - only an aseptic bandage was applied. The dressing was changed daily for 14 days in all animals. Tissues were collected for histological and morphometric examination by excision of a fragment of skin with underlying tissues from the location of the wound defect followed by fixation in a 10% solution of neutral buffered formalin. The prepared histological sections with a thickness of 4 μm were stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
Results. It was found that in the II group, where collagenase was used, the number of leukocyte elements at the bottom of the wound defect from the 3rd day was significantly lower than in other groups. At the same time, the vascular component progressively increased. The obtained data correlate with the results of a histological examination: a faster reduction of the inflammatory process and the development of epithelialization. Complete coverage of the wound surface with the newly formed epithelium occurred already on the 10th day.
Conclusion. The obtained data indicate the appropriateness of collagenase in the treatment of purulent wounds not only as an enzymatic debridement, but as a substrance affecting important aspects in the first and second phases of the wound process.
The experiments with laboratory animals were provided in accordance with all bioethical norms and guidelines.
No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.
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