Limited contact multiplane osteosynthesis of shinbone fractures
shinbone fractures, devices and fixatives for osteosynthesis, biomechanics, fragment micromobility, plate and bone stress, finite element methodAbstract
Aim - to improve the results of treatment of shinbone fractures with limited contact multiplane osteosynthesis device, to investigate its fixation capabilities.
Materials and methods. On the base of systemic approach, conceptual substantiation, theoretic methods of mathematic and computer modeling a new method of limited contact multiplane osteosynthesis of diaphyseal shinbone fractures (SBF) and device for its realization were developed. Comparative analysis of fixing capabilities of the developed device and full-contact plate was performed by means of finite element method. Stress-strain state of the “fixative-bone” system of different fixation methods of SBF was investigated.
Results. Theoretic data about the size of the micromobility of bone fragments depending on the fracture line pattern, imposed force, specific features of the fixative construction were obtained. Stressed state of plates, its dependence from fixative construction, fracture pattern, load size was studied. Influence of reposition stabilization of fragments by screws in oblique and comminuted fractures on fixation rigidity, micromotion of fragments, stress of fixative construction elements and bone fragments was investigated.
Fragment fusion was noted in all 380 patients with SBF operated on with a limited contact osteosynthesis device.
Conclusions. The developed device for limited contact multiplane osteosynthesis of shinbone fractures and the method of its application simplifies surgical intervention, minimises trauma to the fragments, and ensures their stable fixation and optimal conditions for fusion.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
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