Estimability of patient condition




patient condition, evaluation scale, children


This article presents a literature overview of the possibilities of patient condition estimation. There are many different systems and assessment scales of the
severity and the patient's potential risk of adverse outcomes, which are used in medical practice. The above mentioned systems and scales of evaluation
can be both unified and specific on nosology and age. Many evaluative scales are bulky and require fairly long time for carrying out the assessment and do
not allow to quickly determine the patient’s management plan. Both long running assessing process of the patient condition severity and development of
complications risk require the creation of a fairly simple and, at the same time, very informative evaluation system of the patient, prognosis for a disease
with the determination of the certain amount of medical invasions in the early hours of hospitalization to a medical institution. Therefore, the question of
universal assessment of a patient, especially a sick child, remains open and requires new solutions and proposals.


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