Amyand’s hernia in a child: a case report


  • I. O. Krytskyy Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of MH of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • P. V. Hoshchynskyi Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine «Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University of MH of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • V. L. Bodnarchuk Ternopil Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, Ukraine



Amyand’s hernia, appendectomy, herniotomy


Inguinal hernia containing an appendix is a rare in pediatric surgery. We report the clinical case of Amyand’s hernia in a four year old male child with signs
and symptoms of an irreducible right inguinal hernia. The diagnosis of Amyand’s hernia was made intraoperatively. Appendectomy and herniotomy were
done from the same access. The postoperative period was uneventful. We report the case owing to its rarity.


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