antibiotic, sensitivity, microbiological features of surgical woundAbstract
The article presents the results of surgical field examinations in patients of the surgical unit between 1997 to 2016 years. In the first place among the selected pathogens for 19 years is S. aureus, in the second place – Escherichia coli, and in the third – S. pyogenes. The sensitivity analysis of the main pathogens showed that the microflora over the years changes its resistance, which should be taken into account when developing treatment modality. The sensitivity of the isolated pathogens to such antibiotics as gentamicin, cephalosporins I-III generations, carbopenems, fluoroquinolones and is now kept at the high level, which suggests the feasibility of their use, both in empirical therapy, before the results of bacteriological studies, and for the purpose of antibiotic prophylaxis.References
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