Complications of postoperative intraabdominal infiltrates in children




children, postoperative intraabdominal infiltrates, complications, abscessing


Introduction. Despite the application of modern diagnostic techniques and treatment of acute diseases of the abdominal cavity organs, the problem of postoperative complications for appendicular peritonitis remains relevant, and varies from 12.4 to 48.6 %.
Objective: to increase the treatment efficiency of children with postoperative intraabdominal infiltrates and to prevent their complications.
Materials and methods. In total 186 children were under observation with postoperative intraabdominal infiltrates (PIA). The key efficiency indicators of the proposed comprehensive treatment were the absence or reduction of PIA complications, namely: abscessing of intraabdominal infiltrate and early adhesive intestinal obstruction.
Results. It was found that statistically suppuration of the postoperative wound was 4.2 times less in the comparison groups; the early adhesion obstruction rate appeared 3.3 times lower as well as abscessing of intraabdominal infiltrates – 7.3 times lower than in the control group.
Conclusion. The number of complications depends on the primary method of intervention: among the children of the control group, there were 1.7 times more complications observed during the initial laparotomy as compared to laparoscopy; in children from the comparison group for minimally invasive interventions, the complications appeared 2 times less often than in children with open laparotomy.


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Original articles. Abdominal surgery