Minimally-invasive treatment of hemangioma for children


  • D. V. Konoplytskyі National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, Ukraine, Ukraine



childrens, hemangioma, іntratumoral injection


The purpose of the study: to carry out quantitative and qualitative outcome analysis of minimally invasive treatment of external localization hemangioma at intratumoral hormonotherapy.

Materials and methods. To the analysis was subject the results of institutional and outpatient (domiciliary care) treatment of 117 children (81 girls and 36 boys) with hemangioma of external localization, who were registered at the Clinic of pediatric surgery of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia.

Results. A satisfactory result from the offered treatment is marked for 112 patients, however 12 (10.26%) patients after 3-4 injections had hypopygmentation of skin, and in 32 (27.35%) аtrophy of hypodermic-fatty cellulose that was fully restored in 10-12 months after completion of treatment.

Conclusions. Intratumoral introduction of triamcinolone and betamethasone assists the maximal increase of proteins of sharp phase of inflammation to a 7 twenty-four hours of treatment: the level of seromucoids exceeded in four times the size of index to beginning of treatment (0.72±0.05 h. wholesale. closenesses against 0.18±0.02 h. wholesale. closenesses accordingly, p<0.05), the level of sialic acids exceeded in 1.76 time size of index to beginning of treatment (3.52±0.5 mmol/l against 2.0±0.3 mmol/l, accordingly, p<0.05), that testifies to the presence of intensive destructive effect in fabric of hemangioma. Minimally-invasive treatment of hemangioma by intratumoral administration of triamcenolone and betamethasone allows achieving satisfactory cosmetic

and functional results in 95.73% of patients, which makes it possible to consider it as an alternative to surgical excision of the tumor.


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Original articles. General surgery