Сhildbirth and perinatal trauma of children in the practice of a pediatric surgeon (clinical observations)





childbirth trauma, perinatal trauma, surgical treatment


Сhildbirth trauma is a violation of the integrity and disorder of the function of the tissues and organs of the newborn, arising during childbirth. The most difficult clinical incidents are newborns with childbirth trauma of abdomen’s organs.
Objective: generalization risk factors of evolving childbirth and perinatal trauma and definition the chance of using extra methods of diagnosing for welltimed defection of abdomen’s organs trauma.
The article presents clinical observations of children with parenchimal and hollow abdominal organs damage due to childbirth and perinatal trauma. Clinical observations of children with vascular thrombosis of the vessels of the bowels, two stage rupture of the spleen and rupture of the urinary bladder are presented. The stages of detection and use of additional methods of diagnostics of traumatic injures of abdominal organs are described. Illuminated therapeutic tactics and surgical interventions in these children. Difficult childbirth traumas are caused by protracted or rapid birth, macrosomia (a big fetus), prematurity, obstetric care during a birth, pathological position or insertion of a fetus, narrow pelvis of a mother, umbilical cord wrapping around the neck. For diagnosing childbirth trauma extra methods of a research should be used: ultrasound and X-ray.
No conflict of interest was declared by the author.


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