Vascular yellow laser (577 nm) using in the treatment of superficial haemangiomas in children


  • I. A. Pogrebnyak CI «Khmelnytsk City Children's Hospital», Ukraine, Ukraine
  • A. A. Korniuk CI «Khmelnytsk City Children's Hospital», Ukraine, Ukraine



haemangioma, young children, laser, painless treatment


Haemangioma is a benign tumour consisting of blood vessels, the endothelium of which is characterized by cellular atypism.
Objective: to analyse the own results of superficial haemangiomas treatment using a 577-nm-yellow vascular laser in young children.
Material and methods. The article is based on the analysis of laser procedures that were carried out by the authors during 2016-2017 in 211 children with superficial haemangiomas.
Results. The very rapid regression of the neoplasm was observed during the first two months of treatment in young children. The efficacy of treatment with simple haemangiomas made up 98%.
Conclusion. The presence of superficial haemangioma in a young child, which can lead to the violation of vital functions or to significant cosmetic defects, is an indication for laser therapy. The advantages of the proposed method are the lack of sensation of pain and scars, time saving as compared with other methods of treatment.


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Original articles. General surgery