Spontaneous rupture of the stomach in a neonate: clinical case





spontaneous rupture of the stomach, neonates


One of the extremely rare surgical diseases threatening the life of neonates is spontaneous rupture of the stomach. According to various authors, in the world today, there are only about 400 registered cases of this pathology in published literature. Hence, it occurs rarely. Most cases were observed in premature infants, especially those who were on artificial ventilation with a delayed diagnosis and lack of early surgical intervention, which greatly increased the likelihood of death.

This article presents a clinical case of a spontaneous rupture of a neonate’s stomach with a gestational period of 36 weeks, low birth weight (1900 g) and height of 44 cm, who was admitted to the surgical department on the 4th day of life. The neonate had an Apgar score of 7 points. Fetal hypoxia, prematurity, direct mechanical effects on the wall of the stomach and high pressure in lung ventilation are all high-risk factors which neonatologists and pediatric surgeons need to be aware of in order to carry out an emergency diagnostic procedure with subsequent early surgical intervention. This will in turn greatly increase the chances of survival.


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Original articles. Neonatal surgery