Features of ultrasound examination of children with postoperative infiltrates of the abdominal cavity





ultrasound, children, postoperative infiltration of the abdominal cavity


Objective: to study the features of ultrasound examination of children with postoperative infiltrates of the abdominal cavity.
Materials and methods: an analysis of the ultrasound examination effectiveness of postoperative abdominal cavity infiltrates in 151 children, hospitalized to the department of purulent-septic surgery of Odessa Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital.
Results. At complicated appendicular peritonitis, ultrasound examination, prior to the surgery, helped to visualize the presence of periapendicular abscesses I-III and to determine the therapeutic intraoperative tactics, as well as complex treatment to prevent the development of complications in the postoperative period. Since 2/3 (59.6%) of patients with appendicular peritonitis were most frequently diagnosed with postoperative infiltration of the abdominal cavity on the 4-6 day, for the early diagnosis of postoperative infiltrates of the abdominal cavity it is optimal to conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity on the 4th day after the surgery. In addition, postoperative ultrasound monitoring allows in 100.0% of the cases to diagnose the stage of primary infiltrates of the abdominal cavity and to control intra-abdominal changes to make the necessary correction of treatment.



Original articles. Abdominal surgery